Help Me Understand the Word Insurgent

Perhaps you can help me understand something that puzzles me a bit.

Every time I consume the news or watch the pundits, the Taliban in Afghanistan are described as insurgents.

I understand the the US, along with an international coalition, invaded Afghanistan to route out the terrorists who planned the 9/11 acts. This was a reasonable action.

Somewhere along the way, the mission changed. Put on the back burner by the US in favour of a still inexplicable invasion of Iraq, retribution changed to a push to build a new country. At first, it was freeing women from oppression. Then it somehow turned into a nation-building exercise.

Jason Cherniak: Forget Coalition

I came across a posting on Facebook by Jason Cherniak regarding the often discussed Liberal/NDP coalition. He posted some excellent points and did not cross over to the whiny arguments in which so many revel. I have posted the Facebook link directly below and to make it easier for you, the reader, the content below. I suggest you follow the link to view the excellent comments which trail the posting.

Am I becoming a bigot?

Am I becoming a bigot? Is my own internal, hitherto unknown, racist making it’s way to the surface of my mind? Or have I become entirely desensitized to the suffering of others?