There are certain situations which strike to the core of one’s being. This is not one of them.
I am traveling for business this week to the St. Laurent suburb of Montreal. Finishing my tasks at 19:45 last night, I decided to drop my computer back to the hotel and walk to a local restaurant for dinner.
On arriving at the restaurant, my attention was on the lovely young lady at the host table. She noticed me and asked, en Francais, if we were together. I must have looked confused, for I had not noticed that directly behind me had entered another most attractive young woman.
This woman had lustrous dark hair, a petite figure which accentuated curves which we very well placed and a beautiful face. If I had to guess, I would place her age in the 20 – 25 range.
I indicated that we were not together. As it turns out, she was there to meet some friends. She moved into the restaurant and I saw her no more that evening.
The hostess was a bit flustered, perhaps thinking she had caused offense. I was not offended in any way to have her think that I was with that beauty. At least I was not until she apologized.
“I thought you two were together.” she said. “I thought you were her father.”
Depressed, tamed and made elderly, all in one sentence.