Month: January 2011

The Aborted Debate between Imam Shehryar Shaikh & Tarek Fatah

I arrived late to the debate between Imam Shehryar Shaikh & Tarek Fatah, expecting to walk in to the second third of a very interesting debate. I was disappointed that Mr. Fatah was not present and that the debate was turned into a monologue. I was not the only one. As I exited, I chatted with several people who had hoped for more.

Mr. Fatah has laid out his reasons for not attending. While there seem to be multiple versions of events, you can visit Mr. Fatah’s and NAMF’s sites, as well as Facebook, Twitter and a bevy of blogs to get their various slants.

Stop Saying Phobic!!

I am increasingly angered by the way the media accuses people of being phobic – afraid without rational reason – if they disagree with a particular political stance.

Globalization and Outsourcing Questions

I am told that our (North American) economies are transitioning to a service economy, providing high-value services while outsourcing manufacturing to low cost countries. This is supposed to keep our economies growing and grow the economies of our trading partners, increasing the size of the pie and raising the boat for all (mixed metaphor intentional).

Here are my questions: