Year: 2010

Let’s Talk Bike Lanes

Toronto roads are overcrowded already. While I can see many turning to the bicycle with the new lanes, I cannot see the number making even a small dent in the number of cars trying to navigate our city streets. So I look at placing bike lanes on Jarvis and University as additional disincentives, not so gently urging people to abandon their cars.

My Pragmatic Choice – Rocco Rossi for Mayor

Over the last few months, I have been volunteering for the Rocco Rossi mayoral campaign. I have participated in fund raising events, attended community events and been a part of the social media campaign. Given the status of Rocco in the polls, perhaps it is worthwhile – if only for myself – to elucidate the reasons for my support.

Let me provide some overview for those who do not know my views. I am not sure that I am an average voter, whatever that might be. I see myself as a pragmatist, wanting to glean the best ideas from multiple inputs. I am a member of the Liberal party but not a koolaid drinker. My support is not automatic. I want to hear ideas that make sense to this long-time project management expert. I want to know that the ideas and the candidates pass the smell test.

Help Me Understand the Word Insurgent

Perhaps you can help me understand something that puzzles me a bit.

Every time I consume the news or watch the pundits, the Taliban in Afghanistan are described as insurgents.

I understand the the US, along with an international coalition, invaded Afghanistan to route out the terrorists who planned the 9/11 acts. This was a reasonable action.

Somewhere along the way, the mission changed. Put on the back burner by the US in favour of a still inexplicable invasion of Iraq, retribution changed to a push to build a new country. At first, it was freeing women from oppression. Then it somehow turned into a nation-building exercise.

Jason Cherniak: Forget Coalition

I came across a posting on Facebook by Jason Cherniak regarding the often discussed Liberal/NDP coalition. He posted some excellent points and did not cross over to the whiny arguments in which so many revel. I have posted the Facebook link directly below and to make it easier for you, the reader, the content below. I suggest you follow the link to view the excellent comments which trail the posting.